Mindfulness Everywhere ئاپەکان

Meditation Now 1.4
Please note that Meditation Now is notinEnglish. Instead it contains a range of mindfulness meditationsinSpanish (European), Spanish (Latin American), Italian, German&Brazilian Portuguese.Mediation Now is therefore more also known as Meditación Ya,MeditaOra, Meditation Jetzt & Meditação Já. And if you wantabrilliant meditation app in any of those languages then you areinthe right place!Bring relaxation, calm and kindness to wherever you are andwhateveryou are doing. Whether it is reducing stress, improvingsleep,better concentration at work or dealing with negativethinking anddifficult emotions, there is growing evidence thatlearningmeditation can help in many different parts of life. Butnot all ofus have the time to learn meditation in the traditionalway. So thisis the app for people who want all these benefits butare short ontime.Meditación Ya / Medita Ora / Meditation Jetzt / Meditação Já.isconvenient, beautiful and effective, full of meditationsspeciallydesigned to be listened to alongside the activities youare alreadydoing. There are meditations for waking up, travelling,work, beingat home, walking, when you are stressed and when you aregoing tosleep.Features include:21 custom guided audio meditations for different parts ofyourday- All content available in all five languages- Key meditation principles and ideas to deepenyourunderstanding- Dozens of extra mini-meditations for you to try- Suggest your ideas for new meditations for future updates- Made by world-leading experts in modern mindfulnessandmeditation- Ability to change the language whenever you wantSo if you have ever wanted to try meditation but have nevergotround to it then this is the app for you.And if ever thought meditation was not for you, then this is theappthat will change your mind.All for the price of a cup of coffee with no hiddenextracharges.
buddhify - mindfulness meditat 4.4.16
Mindfulness Everywhere
Guided meditations for sleep, stress, travelling, work and more